There are a number of companies that use vehicle branding to promote their company successfully. Red Bull, for example, use unique car designs for PR campaigns and to generate product awareness.
   Research from 3M has shown that vehicle advertising is extremely effective at gaining large number of impressions at a very low cost. The evidence suggests the CPM (Cost per Thousand) figure to be around £0.40 for vehicle adverts, with radio CPM around £5.00 and newspaper CPM estimated at £12. As you can see, wraps offer a highly effective and cost-efficient method of creating brand awareness.
If this has not convinced you enough to get in touch, maybe these statistics will help...
97% is the recall rate on mobile advertising.
- Outdoor Advertising Magazine TACA's market research
96% of respondents say mobile advertising is more effective than traditional outdoor advertising.
- Outdoor Advertising Magazine TACA's market research
Mobile advertising generates 2.5 times more attention than a static billboard.
- Perception research
Individual vehicle advertising generates between 30,000 to 70,000 daily vehicle impressions.
- Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc.
91% of target audiences notice both graphics and text.
- 3M
In the out-of-home advertising industry, mobile billboard displays are the most effective form available boosting product and name recognition fifteen times greater than anything else available.
- The European Outdoor Advertising Association, Zurich, Switzerland
Our study measured consumer awareness and sales between static billboards, mobile billboards, and no billboards. 43% of the respondents recalled the static billboards over no billboards. However, 94% of the respondents recalled the mobile billboard, but in addition, 80% recalled the specific advertisement. Of even greater importance, static billboards resulted in an increase of sales of 54%, but mobile billboards resulted in an increase of sales of 107%!
- Product Acceptance and Research, Inc. Washington, D.C.